Annie Bolger


Louis Morrell Poetry Award, 2015
“Riddle,” first prize in Craig Williamson’s Old English riddle contest

Creative Publications

Sevenling,” r.kv.ry quarterly, Winter 2015
Ghazal,” Silver Birch Press, Spring 2015
“White Shirt,” “Musée,” “Somnology,” Small Craft, Fall 2015
“Sonnet II,” Swarthmore Review, Fall 2013
Sometimes I Wish I Could Stay Here,” Prisms, Spring 2012 [Recording]

Academic Publications

“Jealousy and Infidelity in Anna Karenina,” presented at NESEEES Conference, Spring 2014
Agee's Chaplin and the Universality of Humor,” presented at Swarthmore College's Senior Showcase, Spring 2016


Swarthmore College, 2016
Honors English Literature and Classical Studies